Life doesn’t have to be hard…

balance your hormones with:

Hormone replacement therapy could be the answer if you have you said:

“I am so drained all the time!”

“I just don’t have any desire for sex anymore.”

“These hot flashes are killing me!!”

The problem is HORMONAL! If food is the gas that keeps our engine running, then hormones are the oil that keeps it running smoothly. It takes hormonal balance to run smoothly.


Want to schedule a consultation?


TEXT US at 937-898-4942

New Cancellation Policy

Please keep in mind that booking an appointment with us signifies that we reserved time in our schedule devoted to you. 

  • A $25 cancellation/rebooking fee will apply if you change or cancel your appointment less than 48 hours prior to your visit.
  • To avoid a fee, please provide a cancellation notice at least 48 hours prior to your visit.

Hormonal imbalance affects BOTH men and women!

Remember how great you felt in your 20s and 30s? Your hormones were at normal levels.

Now that you’re in your late 30s+, your levels are dropping. Your estrogen and/or testosterone are low and your FSH is high. You’re unbalanced and feeling it!



Hot flashes

Night Sweats


Low Libido

Mood Swings



Low Libido

Decreased Muscle Mass

Erectile Dysfunction

Mood Swings


“You’re not just tired all the time. The kids aren’t the reason why your sex drive is gone. And it may not be that you just have a poor ability to lose weight because you pick up the fork too often.

It’s your hormones.”

-Dr. Harris, 2018 TEDxDayton

What is HRT?

Better quality of life

Restoring balance

Improvement in longevity

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps your body regain balance by using female hormones your body no longer produces post-menopause. Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to be the most effective way to combat menopausal symptoms.

At Horizons, we use a simple bio-identical pellet therapy method that gives you a balance of hormones year-round.

No daily pills.

No patches, creams or gels.

Who should consider hormone replacement therapy?

Healthy women who are experiencing moderate to severe post-menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, lack of sex drive, energy depletion.

Who should consider hormone replacement therapy?

Women who are losing bone mass and aren’t benefiting from other treatments.

Who should consider hormone replacement therapy?

Women with premature menopause (before age 40).

Horizons hormone replacement therapy in Dayton, Ohio

Schedule a consultation today to find out if hormone replacement therapy is for you!

“No more HOT FLASHES. And my partner thanks you too!!!” –  Chaunte

Why BiaPelle Pellet Therapy?

At Horizons, we use bio-identical hormone pellets. This method, which has been used since the 1930s, is not solely to get rid of your hot flashes!

The goal is regulation and balancing of hormones.

We want to get you off of the oral/gels/patch roller coaster!

Check out our FAQs for more information.

Get Started!

Released directly into the blood stream (24/7): no roller coaster of symptoms!
The pellets are bio-equivalent (mirrors your normal hormones). The hormone is produced from yams (no pregnant horse urine: i.e. Premarin).
Safer than synthetic estrogens (does not carry the same risk of causing blood clots in your lungs or legs). See the April 2013 Green Journal Committee Opinion on absorbable hormones.
You don’t have to do anything: no pills to take every day, no patch to change, no creams to smear on.
Pellet insertion 3 to 4 times per year (women) or 1 to 2 times per year (men).

MYTHS about Hormone Replacement Therapy

Why Do I Feel Like Crap?

Having listened to both women and men for several years now I hear a recurrent theme time after time … Why do I feel like crap? Whether it’s fatigue, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, hot flashes, night sweats, or low sex drive the answer is partially or completely...

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Could you be suffering from hormonal imbalance?

“Night sweats, waking up at 3:00 in the morning peeling off my clothes, it’s cold outside and I just wanted to run outside. I thought I was losing my mind. I didn’t know what was going on with me. I just couldn’t live like that. So I told Dr. Harris my symptoms and he...

read more

Just for MEN

Hormone replacement therapy is NOT just for women.

Andropause can cause men to feel constantly tired, have low libido, weight gain, decreased muscle mass and foggy thinking. As a man ages his body decreases production of testosterone, which is critical in his sexual health, mental health AND physical health. Hormone replacement therapy can re-balance these hormones.

In this short video Dr. Harris tells how hormone replacement therapy has given him his life back.

Click here to learn more about testosterone-replacement therapy.

Are YOU ready to feel better?

Dr. Andre Harris – 2018 TEDxDayton Speaker

Dr. Andre Harris tells his personal story about how low testosterone affects your body and your relationships and why this doesn’t need to become your new normal.

What do patients say?

Horizons made me feel like I was part of their family. 
Dr. Harris, thank you so much for being patient with my constant questions and worries. I recommend Dr. Harris and his staff to all my family, friends and clients! 
Not only is Dr. Harris the best – so is his staff!!!
Dr. Harris really cares about how you are doing and he does a good job making sure you understand what you are going through. 
Love, love, love Dr.Harris!
Awesome Doctor! Love him!!! Delivered my son by C-section in 2009. Still my doctor today and will be for years to come!

Case Study:

“Do you know what it’s like to never get a good night’s sleep?” Grace Brown, 55, wasn’t able to get a good night’s sleep for years due to persistently bad night sweats. Additionally, having out-of-balance hormones was causing anxiety and hugely affected her concentration during the day. “I’d been doing this therapy since 2005, but it wasn’t working until I found Dr. Harris. This has changed my life!” she said. Dr. Harris was able to better tailor the therapy and Grace’s symptoms went away so she could return to normal. She says what she likes best about pellet therapy (aside from being symptom-free!) is that it’s natural. “The bio-identical  hormone isn’t bad for me. It’s natural, unlike some of the others out there.” Additionally, she said some of the hormone therapy pills kill your sex drive. “This is NOT the case with bio-identical pellet therapy!” she said.

“My SEX life has SKYROCKETED!” – Denise


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At Horizons Hormones and Weight Loss you are our most important priority. We are committed to helping you get back on the road to WELLNESS! From start to finish – we are with you. Please leave your information and we will contact you by the next business day. Connect with us – you’ve suffered long enough!

Horizons Hormones and Weight Loss

8662 N Main St., Dayton, Ohio 45417

Phone: 937-898-4942

Fax: 937-898-5444
